Ascension Conceptual Scheme
The Ascension Conceptual Scheme will help provide a framework for innovative subdivision design, detailed land use direction and development guidance to Rocky View Council, Administration, and the public. The Project falls within the boundary of the existing Bearspaw Area Structure Plan (ASP), and if approved will be appended to the ASP as an amendment.
During the development of the Conceptual Scheme we met with our neighbours, including community groups, to hear their perspectives and gather feedback on the preliminary vision. Two open houses were held as well as additional communications sent and received online through this project website.
Ascension Land Use Amendment
The Ascension Land Use Amendment application is the next step in realizing the development of the new community as outlined in the approved Conceptual Scheme.

Public Engagement Events
Conceptual Scheme Outreach & Engagement:
The following communications and engagement strategies were undertaken in order to gather preliminary feedback, promote the Open House events and collect feedback.
Small Format Meetings with key leaders in the surrounding communities.
Open House Mail Drop to ~9,400 landowners in close proximity to project area in April 2017 and to ~9,800 landowners in May 2017.
Stakeholder Flyer distributed to ~385 stakeholders in April 2017.
Advertisements in Rocky View Weekly and the Tuscany Sun Newsletter prior to both open houses.
Community Circulation by key community members to their networks prior to both open houses.
E-Blast in May 2017 to those who registered their e-mails following the first open house.
E-Blast in November 2022 to those who registered their e-mails during the Conceptual Scheme process to inform them about the Land Use Amendment application submission and circulation- Website Updates
Open Houses held on April 26, 2017 and June 7, 2017
Virtual Information Session held on September 12, 2023

What We Heard & How We Responded in the Conceptual Scheme

Project Name
The first Open House asked attendees what the community name should represent, and “Landscape” was one of the top responses. The name Ascension is intended to convey the rolling and rising topography of the Bearspaw area with the subject lands representing a high point within the community.

Housing & Density
The residential density of the Conceptual Scheme is proposed to be approximately 9.30 units per hectare / 3.76 units per acre. This density is intended to transition between the urban densities within the City of Calgary and the existing acreages within the southern communities of Bearspaw and the future Glenbow Ranch development. Although some residents expressed concern about these higher densities, the preservation of open space and variety of lot sizes through the plan area strikes a balance that the project team feels fits into this transionary context.

Senior Housing
A desire for affordable seniors housing in this area was expressed by attendees at the open houses. The Conceptual Scheme has included provisions for up to 300 multi-family residential units to be integrated within the Market Place. These units will not only support a variety of housing types and opportunities to age-in-place but be ideally located for access to Market Place amenities and services.

Multi-Modal Connectivity
Stakeholders expressed some concerns about the potential for increased traffic and the desire for ample pedestrian and cyclist connections. The development concept has proposed a well-connected road design which should help distribute future traffic. In addition, a new traffic circle on 12 Mile Coulee Road will support the flow of traffic at an already problematic offset intersection. A significant number of pathways and trails have been proposed throughout the plan area, with clear connections to the regional pathway system in the City of Calgary and the lasso trail in Rocky View County.

Thoughtful transitions between the plan area and the existing development context form a key section of the Conceptual Scheme. Features such as setbacks, varied topography, vegetation and landscaping will be implemented to ensure sensitivity with the surrounding area.

Market Place
The comments received regarding the Marketplace were mixed with some support for increased area amenities and some concern regarding impacts to the character of the area. The Conceptual Scheme proposes wide range of commercial, retail, entertainment and residential uses, and specifies that “special attention will be given to the design of the facades, storefronts, signage and way-finding through a high-quality architectural and urban design theme within the Market Place.”
Since We Saw You Last…
- Conceptual Scheme Process
- Land Use Amendment Process
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